The DocExpress tab is where you can launch your Projects on KantanStream.
In order to launch a Project, there are a number of compulsory and optional settings that must be completed, compulsory settings are marked below with an asterisk:
- Project Template: Selecting a pre-configured Project Template will automatically configure a project for you. You can create a pre-configured Template in the Templates page of your account.
- Project Type*: Choose from standard, MT-Only, or CAT-Tool connected Projects such as XTM Manual or MemoQ - PreTranslate. These Connectors must be preconfigured following the instructions in the KantanConnectors page.
- Source Language*: Select the source language.
- Target Languages*: Select the target language(s) - there is no maximum number of target languages.
- Channel*: Select the Channel into which you want to broadcast your document(s) for translation and/or post-editing.
- Style Guide: Select the Style Guide you would like to accompany the Project. You can only select one Style Guide per Project, so consider categorizing these according to domain rather than language pair, as each Style Guide can contain multiple files.
- Review: If you are using linguists for your Project and would like segments to be sent for review in addition to post-editing, set Review to Yes.
- Project User Quota: Limit the number of users that can work simultaneously on this Project, if set to '0' or left blank, there will be no limit.
- File User Quota: Limit the number of users that can work simultaneously on a file, if set to '0' or left blank, there will be no limit.
- Batch Size Word Count: If the total word count of the file exceeds the Batch Size Word Count, the file will be split into multiple batches.
- Deadlines: Select deadlines for Editors and Reviewers, if you have selected Review.
- Automatic Launch: Select Yes if you want the Project to launch straight away. If not, select No and when you are ready, you can launch the Project from the Dashboard.
When you are ready, drag and drop your files into the box, allow them to reach 100%, and click Launch Project(s) to start your Projects. You can monitor their progress from the Dashboard.