The Project File Editor (Manuscript) displays segments for the entire file, with the source segments on the left of the table and the translated segments on the right. The Project ID and Project File ID are displayed above the editing interface.
Getting Started
Segments can be filtered based on their status. Use the blue bar at the top of the Project File
Editor to filter for available segments, segments left to complete (To Do), unavailable
segments, and segments with validation errors.
Once you have opened the file, you can click Lock File to make the file unavailable to other
users. A file will also automatically be locked for you if you save the first available segment
and no one else has started working on the same file.
Click the Start icon to open the first available segment. Otherwise, click on any available
segment to open it. Available segments are represented by an unlocked lock symbol.
Clicking on the Focus icon will put the active segment back in the center of the screen if you’ve moved
the scroll bar up or down and lost focus of the string you were working on.
Click Toggle Focus Mode to expand the editing interface and the editing tools to a full screen view.
Source segments can be sorted by row number (this is the default sorting), alphabetically
(ascending) and alphabetically (descending). The sorting can be change by clicking on the
arrows on the right hand side of the Source header.
In the segment view, at the bottom right corner of the Source box, there are three display options for the Target:
- Toggle between alphabet cases
- Toggle between displaying spaces as middot characters
- Copy the source to the target
Editing Tools
There are several editing tools within the editing interface. Please find links to articles on each of the editing tools below:
- TM & Glossary
- Metrics
- File Concordance
- Validation
- Editor Comments
- Context
- Submitting a file
- Spell Checker
CTRL + Enter Submit segment
CTRL + Space Skip to the next segment
CTRL + R Restore original translation
CTRL + 1/2/3/4/5/6/7/8 Open the corresponding editing tool tab
CONTROL + ALT + 1/2/3* Replace target with first/second/third TM hit
CTRL+9 Copy source to target
CTRL+A Select all text of the active text field (either source or target)
CTRL+Q Put cursor in translate box
* TM & Glossary tab must already be open/selected
Confirming Segments
When you are finished with a file and want to submit it, click Submit File in the blue bar at the top of the file. This will open the Validate and Submit File wizard. Here there may be Validation errors that need to be addressed.
Note: Depending on the type of Validation error, you may need to close the submission
window and re-edit.
If all Validation errors have been handled appropriately, you may click the Submit File button
in the wizard. A warning will appear in this wizard if there are uncompleted segments within the file.
Uncompleted segments will still be saved, so please make sure all translations for these are
correct before submitting the file.
Once you submit a file you will no longer be able to re-edit segments.